3 reasons why Agile Transformation are too complex for a Big Plan approach
Have you heard of the Stacey matrix?
Have you heard of the Stacey matrix? Stacey has described the relationship between complexity in solving a problem and the different approaches that are effective.
A detailed plan can only address a situation where response to your actions remain predictable. Beyond this level of simplicity, plans don’t work. Solving your problem means “dancing” with it: entering a dynamic, engaged, and highly adaptive approach. That’s exactly the level of complexity of an Agile transformation.
What makes transforming an organisation to Agile so complex? 3 key factor comes to my mind.
Your organisation will evolve all along
After your first step, the organisation has already evolved to something new. Mindsets have changed, new habits have formed, structure and processes have been changed. Heck, even people will change. It’s already a new territory, and many other steps are due.
Your organisation will react to the change
Your organisation is a living being. Every single individual, every team, every division, branch has their own context, processes and personalities, each one will respond differently. Some changes will be easy here, while extremely difficult there. Variants will appear.
This can’t be predicted.
Some fundamentals will be rocked: culture, beliefs, habits
You are going through an approach that challenges how people work together, how your organisation is structured, and how you do business. I can’t enumerate how many aspects of a business is touched, and I’m discovering new ones with my clients as we go. And so will you.
So what do you need instead of a plan? You need a vision and a strategy, and a system.
Also, you can call me 🙂
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