Executive Coach Giom
The one-of-a-kind coach to help you thrive in the arduous journey to agility
I have been coaching across industries for more than a decade with the same goals, to share the best ways of working and help you lead the most effective transformations to turn the ship around. I turn the good to great, talented to trained, and potential to professional.
When you achieve agility you don’t just walk or run, you fly

I’ve worked with

What I do for leaders

Clarity & Focus
Part of leadership is bringing everyone on the same page. As a business coach, I will help corporate leaders have a clear vision of what they want and how they can get it done. With this, they can unite their teams with a shared goal and lead them to dynamically execute and take on projects.

Strategic Leadership
By sharing agile core principles and best practices, I will help managers and team leaders design an effective strategy that will build self-organising teams who are empowered with the proper skills, habits, and mindset. As teams successfully adopt new ways of working, they will deliver greater value to their organisation.

Agile Transformation
A proper understanding of a business is crucial in transforming it to its full potential. Given this knowledge, I sit down with business leaders for purposeful conversations to pinpoint strengths and areas for improvement. Based on these, we will reinvent the company’s structure based on the team’s needs and foster a culture of continuous development.
What I do for teams

Role Empowerment
Through my agile role training programs that are tailor-fitted to a company’s needs, I help organisations develop holistic teams with cross-functional expertise that can smartly work and grow together to move their business forward.

Purposeful Productivity
Agile transformation includes understanding the organisation’s goals, developing everyone’s strengths, and streamlining processes. I will help managers lead a successful implementation of an agile workflow. Teams will be able to have a clarity of purpose and will focus and prioritize crucial work to efficiently complete tasks and projects.

Agile Organisation
For an organisation to accommodate the ever-changing demands of their clients and keep pace with their competitors, they need to be composed of teams that are smart and flexible, able to react and thrive in any sudden shift in the industry.
I will help companies initiate this growth within their teams–empowering them to be agile. Through my guidance, they will get buy-in from everyone to embrace agile practices, foster a culture of collaboration and communication, and build towards the growth of their company.
Watch Me in Action
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Agile Transformations are so complex they're unpredictable | Adding Dedicated people makes it worse
Most Agile Transfo Drags: Why it Harms your People and your Organisation
Problem Handling is Like a Zombie Game
Why Small Projects Blow Up Pt. 2 | Counter-Intuitive Principles to Save Them
Featured Case Studies
Telecom,Change Leadership,Strategic Coaching,Agile Coaching
Strategic turn around of a gassed-out Agile project in Telecoms
A software program stuck after 5 years running in Agile
Coaching,Media,Change Leadership,Agile Coaching
Traditional TV network transforms into a digital powerhouse
Traditional TV going from digital zeroes to heroes in 3 years
How clients view my coaching
Giom is a pleasure to work with. He is dedicated and listens to our needs. He knows what he's doing and he has definitely helped transformed our business. Really glad we turned to him for agile role training.

Stephanie Uy
Was really reluctant at first when I heard about agile transformation. But Giom made the process surprisingly easy. Me and my team are definitely collaborating and working better now.

Michael Korsch
News and Articles
Steering the ship: integrate risks (a sailing story)
For as much time we spend estimating a project, it is just one likely scenario among many others. Agile teams are not shy of this, overthinking story points estimates and velocity. It doesn’t mean estimates should be thrown away, but that it should be completed with risk management at…
Rekindle the connection between the team and the sponsor
As an agile practitioner, do you avoid the word "reporting"? This concept, in my experience, has gotten a bad rap with mismanaged teams that don't have balanced relationship with their sponsors. The solution? Unite the sponsor and the team. How? Check out my thoughts in this article.
Scrum Master: 5 keys to hit the ground running
Scrum Master is very different in nature than many enterprise roles., This can be very disorienting. As I care for people to start their Agile Journey with confidence, here are on top of my head 5 tips for Scrum Masters to get started.
Encouraging team’s freedom : how much is enough ?
When talking with directors about how to enable collective intelligence and co-responsability in their teams, they usually find me too strict regarding their own behavior.
[Video] Looking for remote Agile tools? Think remote supplies instead
Since the pandemic, I feel that the focus on tools instead of practices has been on overdrive.
To improve people’s work, stay in the work context
As mentioned in a previous post, I have a general unease about bringing non-work related elements in order to improve a work-related situation.
Learn the best practices from a professional coach.
I provide agile management and role training to deliver results, from startups to global enterprises.