Steering the ship: integrate risks (a sailing story)
For as much time we spend estimating a project, it is just one likely scenario among many others. Agile teams are not shy of this, overthinking story points estimates and velocity. It doesn’t mean…
Rekindle the connection between the team and the sponsor
As an agile practitioner, do you avoid the word "reporting"? This concept, in my experience, has gotten a bad rap with mismanaged teams that don't have balanced relationship with their sponsors. The…
Scrum Master: 5 keys to hit the ground running
Scrum Master is very different in nature than many enterprise roles., This can be very disorienting. As I care for people to start their Agile Journey with confidence, here are on top of my head 5…
Encouraging team’s freedom : how much is enough ?
When talking with directors about how to enable collective intelligence and co-responsability in their teams, they usually find me too strict regarding their own behavior.
[Video] Looking for remote Agile tools? Think remote supplies instead
Since the pandemic, I feel that the focus on tools instead of practices has been on overdrive.
To improve people’s work, stay in the work context
As mentioned in a previous post, I have a general unease about bringing non-work related elements in order to improve a work-related situation.
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